
Dokku Alt is most suitable to deploy in-house low-cost multi-site deployment environments which are secure and easy to manage. If you have ever used Apache with VirtualHosts then Dokku Alt is a modern replacament for this technology.

Built on top of Docker, Dokku Alt is a manager for your websites, running alongside any imaginable framework, language or webserver.

Acessing Dokku-alt node

Once Dokku-Alt is deployed, you can access it through ssh like this:$ ssh mariadb:create myapp newdb

The above command will create new database for an application and automatically link with it.

Deploying application to your Node

Create a new "git" repository and deploy it directly inside a new container like this:$ git add remote deploy
$ git push deploy master

Docker will set up a new container for your application, install necessary dependencies and finally link your application with a domain of your choice.

Adding Database or Volume support

If your application relies on database or stores files locally, dokku can easily set this up for you.

$ dokku volume:create vol1 /data/volume1
$ dokku volume:link myapp1 vol1
$ dokku volume:link myapp2 vol1
$ dokku mariadb:create mydb
$ dokku mariadb:link myapp1 mydb
$ dokku mariadb:link myapp2 mydb
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